Monday, August 25, 2008

What's new with Emory

Well since surgery, at therapy they have noticed that she has muscle tone in the backs of her legs, which they did not notice before and also that around her lungs she is a lot looser than she was before surgery. She is moving her legs a little bit more than before but not much, but we are not getting discouraged because the Dr. said that it could take 6 months to a year before we would notice a change in that department.

She is getting, it seems like, all her teeth at one time. She has had her bottom teeth for a while now and she has been getting her upper teeth since June, well we are now working on the teeth beside, on both sides, of the upper and lower teeth, we are getting molars on the top and bottoms on both sides. Needless to say I really want my happy baby back!!!! She has not been too bad with all of her teeth coming in but once she starts crying it is really hard to please her, she doesn't want to be held, she doesn't want to be put down, she wants her toys, she doesn't want her toys.

She is now starting to wave, either good-bye or hello. It is so funny to watch her wave. I love it. She will always wave at me when I go up to see her at lunch at my in laws and after I have told her hi she will wave and then go back to what she was doing and then look back up at me and wave again and then I will tell her hi and then she will go back to what she is doing and it will go on for like 5 minutes.

She is starting to throw 2 year old fits. And they are 2 year old fits. She will start crying and then start throwing her head and hands around. It is kind of funny to watch her at this way.

She is now getting up on all fours and every once and a while she will scoot herself to what she wants, not all of the time but a few times she as a couple of times. She will get up on all fours, look around to see who is looking at her and then when she realizes that someone is looking, she will start trying to clap, it is kind of funny to watch her, she loves to get praised for anything and everything she does.

I have been having a rough couple of days the past couple of days. I have been back at work full time for a couple of weeks, and I told myself that Emory will probably get mad at me and want nothing to do with me but she had been doing so good the first 2 weeks but this weekend she didn't want me to hardly feed her and then this morning, she didn't want me to hold her after I feed her this morning, and then when I was dropping her off at granny's, I had just gotten her out of the car seat and got her up on my shoulder and as soon as she saw granny she reached for her and I almost started crying. I told myself that this is normally for her with all if the changes that she has been going through, but it is still hard. Work as been a little bit stressful lately and I know that I have been carrying all of that with me and she can sense all of that from me.

Sorry, no pictures this post, my camera needs to be charged. I promise to put it on the charger tonight and start snapping away again. I have gotten out of the habit of taking pictures that it is hard to get back into it.


Anonymous said...

I love you! I am sorry you are having a rough week. We will be praying for you! ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Emory
Love you,
Aunt Kathy

Nicole said...

Happy Birthday, Emory! (even if it is a few days late!) Can't wait to see pictures!