Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I was tagged about a month ago from my friend Tara and I am just now getting around to getting it done. So here it goes.

THE RULES:(1) Link to the person that tagged you.(2) Post the rules on your blog.(3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.(4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.(5) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

1. I was a thumb sucker. Awful habit I know and I just hope that Emory does not become a thumb sucker.

2. Due to the thumb sucking, I got my self electrocuted. When I was about 2 and a half I was walking around the house with my brother and we decided that we would play lock all of the doors in the house. Well my brother had the plastic kiddie kids and I had the real metal ones. So we were going through the house and locking and unlocking all of the doors in our house and I don't know what was going through my mind but I decided that I was going to stick the key in the electrical outlet and try to lock and unlock it. Well since I had been sucking my thumb, I got a pretty good shock. Scared my mom half to death.

3.I was a cheerleading in the last two years of high school.

4.The last year of cheerleading, I made the all-star team and got to travel to Australia and Hawaii.

**I am the one in the green windsuit pants.

5. Don't like guns, was not brought up around guns. Guns terrify me to death. So this the only picture of me holding gun and it will be the last one.

6. Daniel and I got to met Rupert when he was up in Springfield. Rupert was on Survivor Pearl Islands and then went back and was on Survivor All-Stars. Daniel and I are big Survivor fans.

7. And last, our first child.


Hope everyone had a good easter. We certainly did. Easter was also my birthday this year and tomorrow is my mom's birthday, so Vickie on Saturday cooked us dinner and we had a little birthday party/easter fun. Emory enjoyed all of the excitement of getting her baskets.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ready for some Canoeing??


The Little Buffalo.

The Little Buffalo with the job site for First National Bank of Green Forest in the background.

The Little Buffalo at the bridge just as you come in to the town of Jasper.

The Little Buffalo with the job site for First National Bank of Green Forest.

The new bridge that they are building going to First Baptist Church as you are heading out of town.

The new soccer complex by the First Baptist Church and the bus garage for Harrison Schools.

Lake Harrison.

Lake Harrison.

Monday, March 17, 2008


**She really didn't want her picture taken this morning. Hopefully, will have some more later.**

You know when you child is teething when....

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ready for Spring

Guys it is absolutely gorgous here today. Mom and I went and had lunch at the park today and then walked around and sat down for a little while and it was absolutely perfect outside. Emory enjoyed it so much that she fell asleep while we were pushing her around in the stroller. Sorry no pictures of us outside, forgot my camera. But I literally could have sat outside all day today. If anyone knows me well enough, they know that I do not like to sit outside with all of the bugs and what not but today was perfect no bugs! So I am officially ready for Spring to hurry up and get here and stay until about August. Emory is also ready for spring with her onesie that has bunnies on it and her sunglasses. First time we have had to use them since last fall. Most of winter she is covered up in her car seat or we draped a blanket over her to carry her in everywhere so we didn't have to worry about it but now that spring is almost here we had to pull the ol' shades back out.

Funny story not too long after we had gotten Emory her sunglasses we had a dr. appointment at Children's and we were walking in one of the doors outside going in and there was this black gentlemen holding the door for us and looked down at Emory and said "That baby has some shades on!!" I just laughed and looked at Daniel. Well hope everybody gets a chance to get outside and enjoy the gorgous day that we are having.