Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pictures from surgery

With Stitches

Without Stitches


Anonymous said...

Poor baby!! I hope that things are going okay!!

Nicole said...

Bless her heart. It just hurts to look at! Good thing babies are so stinkin' resiliant. How is she doing?

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Give baby girl and kiss from Aunt Kathy

Joanna said...

Things are going really great. It has healed up a whole bunch in less than a week. She restarted her therapy this week and they have been pleased with her because they were afraid that she would have regressed and she has progressed. Her OT noticed that the muscle in the back of her legs has gotten stronger, much stronger in fact that they noticed it right off the bat on Tuesday. She has done exceptionally well. We are so pleased and extremely glad that we had the surgery done instead of waiting even longer to have it done.