Thursday, July 10, 2008

More of working on the ball

Tuesday at therapy was more of 'working on the ball,' trying to get Emory to stand up but when she wouldn't stand up, her therapist just worked on with her on her belly on the ball and then her pushing with her feet against the therapists belly. Emory did kick off a few times but with only one foot. And she also meet two of her goals at therapy and they had just set new goals for her back in May so she is coming along very nicely. Hopefully the surgery will set her back too much. We are on the countdown to the surgery. Only 13 days away from her surgery date.

Here a couple of pictures of her on the ball.

This is a first for Emory. Tuesday morning while I was getting ready Emory was in the living room flooring, playing, and then I noticed that it was exceptionally quiet so I decided I needed to check on her since it was so quiet. Emory had fallen asleep on her belly. Emory normally sleeps on her back or for the last several months, she has been sleeping on her left side. But on Tuesday morning she has finally figured out the comfort of sleeping on your belly. She looked so peacefully and I hated to wake her but we had several errands to run that morning before we had therapy that afternoon.

Doesn't she look comfortable???


Nicole said...

Yay for meeting goals!I'm so proud of her and can't wait to see her!!!I'll send an e-mail to you and Mary when I get a chance so we can all coordinate together!